Reflecion of Sep.14th: typing lesson and setting up the own website

In this class, we first feel the embossing on the letter “F” and “J” on the keyboard. We tried several times to make it more proficiency.

After that we were quite busy on setting our own websites on We first added the category of Pre-IB and a sub-category called Pre-IB cs into the column of Menu, by pointing “Customize-Menus-Primary-Add Items”. To make the sub-category, we needed to drag the “Pre-IB CS” title a little bit rightward to make it seem as a “sub” title. Then when we turned to “view my site”, the menus renewed.

(I’m not sure why some of the titles are dogged to be in Chinese characters)

Next, we followed Mr. Pete’s instructions to post the blog by pointing the “add” button next to the “Blog Posts”. We could add the pictures and contents freely. The birth of this passage is also due to the procedures above.

Finally, Mr. Pete remind us not to post that much private information on the Internet for our safety, which is indeed a good reminder to me, who had almost finished editing the contacting information on the website.

By the way, thanks to Kevin, the assistant of the last class, who have showed his website to the public on the bigger screen, we all got to know the exactly appearance of the pages and discovered the operations clearly in an easier way.


Before the ending of the class, we were left with the typing-practice homework. We are supposed to finish the first seven lessons on the I believe this could be an efficient way for me to practice the correct typing gestures. Out demand is to reach the speed of 20wpm before the typing test in “blind”. The speed is not challenging to me, while I wish I could use the correct fingers to touch the certain keys next time.




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